Teksty piosenek

Teksty piosenek / C / Cam'Ron / Intro

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Wyszukiwarka poszukuje ci±gu znaków w nazwach zespołów, tytułach oraz tre¶ci piosenek

1. W¶ród nocnej ciszy ( 151 632)
2. Jingle Bells (25 863)
3. Bóg się rodzi (23 634)
4. Oj, malu¶ki, malu¶ki (22 398)
5. We Wish You A Merry Christmas (22 368)
6. White Christmas (19 930)
7. A Baby Just Like You (19 069)
8. Gdy ¶liczna Panna syna kołysała (18 856)
9. Przybieżeli do Betlejem pasterze (17 174)
10. Santa Claus Is Coming To Town (16 610)
Wszystkie odsłony: 2 525 354

Dodatkowe informacje
Inne utwory Cam'Ron:
1. 357 (321)
2. Oh Boy (313)
3. Movin' Weight (307)
4. Welcome To New York City (304)
5. Stop Calling (296)
6. Fuck You (296)
7. Glory (293)
8. Freak (291)
9. Intro (291)
10. Shanghai (289)
11. D Rugs (286)
12. Hey Ma (278)
13. Confessions (272)
14. A Pimp's A Pimp (269)
15. Daydreaming (266)
16. Let Me Know (265)
17. What Means The World To You (263)
18. Tomorrow (261)
19. All The Chickens (260)
20. Me and My Boo (259)
21. Feels Good (258)
22. The ROC (Just Fire) (256)
23. I Just Wanna (249)
24. My Hood (249)
25. Where The Fuck You At (244)

E-mail: lyrics@piosenki.zii.pl
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Cam'Ron > Intro

How y'all doin' out there?
I wanna welcome y'all back
Welcome some of y'all for the first time, huh? Killa
We did it again, y'all don't fuck wit us
Suck a dick man, aiyyo Jones, what's good?
Santana, Freaky, they gonna be mad this time, huh?
Aiyyo I got my man Kay Slay up in the house
Harlem, you know what it is, what's good?

[Kay Slay]
You know how we get down, East side, El BARRIO

El Barrio up in this bitch, aiyyo Kay
This bitch blowing up my motherfuckin phone right now
Man, fuck' hold up, hol', yo man

[Kay Slay]
Yo son

What's good?

[Kay Slay]
I gotta tell you like my dog told me
When you meet a chick, you gotsta straight slap her

Slap her?

[Kay Slay]
Yeah, when you first meet her, just slap her

Off the bat?

[Kay Slay]
Off the bat, just backhand her

Why's that, though?

[Kay Slay]
'Cause later on down the line
You ain't never gotsta to worry about
That chick telling you --
"Cam, you don't treat me the way you used to"

[Laughing] That's what I'm sayin' nigga
But see the thing is with me
I don't understand how a bitch can go out
Rain, sleet, snow, fuck, suck whoever
And then go give another nigga her fucking money

[Kay Slay]
Nah Cam, you gotta understand
That's cause ya game is tight

Oh, nah, not me Ka', I'm talking about another nigga
I know my game is tight, nigga, knowhaImean?
We getting ready set this shit the fuck off
Jones, where we at, huh? Harlem, harlem, harlem...

Yo, yo, I advise you to step son
For I fuck ya moms, make you my step son
Y'all be calling me daddy, cause
The "Rag Muffin" y'all soon say
Y'all fuck around with brother "Num-say"
Y'all gonna see doomsday
I'm a savage but colder
Now I rock karrots that I'm older
See this parrot on my shoulder?
He do the talking, I ain't concerned with words
Act up, and be returned to the birds
I return with them birds, any 28 grams
A bitch that I touch, pretty much turns to birds
I be in Miami, Bow-Ca-Baton, pokin' ya moms
Hauntin' ya aunt, all over the dawn
Using a dope then I'm gone back
Cobacabana, no joke I'm bananas
Cops come for dope it's a damper
I'm low in Atlanta, get hot, go to Savana
Rush the crib, go in the hampter
Don't follow me, "Stan-a"
If you do, I'm blowin' the hammer
That'll rip that vest apart, hit ya chest and heart
I ain't finished, that's just the start
You'll be calling for back up, praying for help
Fuck my life, I'm taking myself
All the achin' I felt
In my crib at night, praying for wealth
Bitches dissin "What's the problem ma? I ain't ballin?"
Now every ten minutes, hos prank callin'

[Kay Slay]
Yo Cam, fuck all this rap shit, man
Let's get down to business, Harlem

(przeczytano 290 razy)

teksty piosenek

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Zbliżaj± się ¶więta - dlatego serwis piosenki.zii.pl przygotował gar¶c tekstów kolęd. Zapraszamy do zapoznania się z kolędami oraz życzymy wesołych ¶wi±t.

Polskie kolędy:
1. W¶ród nocnej ciszy
2. Bóg się rodzi
3. Oj, malu¶ki, malu¶ki
4. Gdy ¶liczna Panna syna kołysała
5. Przybieżeli do Betlejem pasterze
6. Lulajże Jezuniu
7. Gdy się Chrystus rodzi
8. Dzisiaj w Betlejem
9. PójdĽmy wszyscy do stajenki
10. Anioł pasterzom mówił
11. Jam jest dudka Jezusa małego
12. W żłobie leży
Christmas Songs:
1. Jingle Bells
2. We Wish You A Merry Christmas
3. White Christmas
4. A Baby Just Like You
5. Santa Claus Is Coming To Town
6. Let It Snow!
7. All I Want For Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth
8. O Christmas Tree
9. Deck The Halls
10. Blue Christmas
11. Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer
12. The Christmas Song
13. Merry Christmas Darling
14. Christmas Dinner
15. Holly Jolly Christmas
16. First Christmas
17. Winter Wonderland
18. Here Comes Santa Claus
19. Rocking around the Christmas Tree
20. Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas
21. The Little Drummer Boy
22. Silver Bells
23. Frosty the Snow Man
24. Mary, Did You Know?
25. Sleigh Ride
26. The Night Before Christmas
27. It's the most wonderful time of the year
28. Jolly Old Saint Nicholas
29. The Twelve Days of Christmas
30. I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus
31. Christmas In Killarney
32. Christmas For Cowboys
33. I'll Be Home For Christmas
34. Sleep Well, Little Children
35. Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer
36. Must Be Santa
37. Up On the Housetop
38. Nuttin' For Christmas
39. Tennessee Christmas
40. Pine Cones And Holly Berries
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